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Do it! Do it now!


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-02-26


I don’t know why but I find myself mimicing this quote on a regular basis. Do it! Do it now! I really wish I could erase my memory of all Arnolds movies that I have ever seen…..so I can watch them again and not already know what’s going to happen!  There’s NOTHING in the world like the first time I saw Terminator 2 and didn’t know that he was…..well I won’t spoil it in case someone hasn’t seen it yet. It’s quite an experience. My all time favorite movie ever. Never seen any movie that amazing before in my life and Im 40 years old and Ive seen everything. Arnold is one in a million (and so are most of his movies) and there’s no one like him that even compares.


Total Posts: 457

Joined 2012-09-19


Terminator 2 Judgment Day was awesome movie.