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Advice from Swami Vivekananda


Total Posts: 457

Joined 2012-09-19


According to Swami Vivekananda - the cyclonic monk . He lived in the 19th century and he spread his message for humanity’s betterment. He gave his sermon at the Parliament of Religion in Chicago in USA and after gaining popularity he traveled the whole world over to give his teachings of strength and fearlessness. He died in 1902. Here are some of his teachings :

“Stand up. Be bold. Be strong.
Any expansion is life, any contraction is death.
The history of mankind is the history of a few men who had faith in themselves.
Strength and manliness are virtue. Weakness and cowardice are sin.
Man must love others because those others are himself.
Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there.
We want that education by which character is formed.
Man has infinite power in himself.
We must be pure and do good to others.
Strength alone is the medicine for all world’s disease.
We are what our thoughts have made us.
Every duty is holy and devotion to our duties is the highest form of worship to God.
Virtue is that which tends to our improvement and vice to our degeneration.
Truth alone gives strength.Learn to feel yourself in others body and feel that every soul is part of the One.
We must always take the position of the giver.
Try to be pure and selfish.
Each soul is potentially divine.
It is our privilege to be allowed to be charitable, for only then can we grow.
When all the desires of the heart will be vanquished then the very man will become God.
The power of love is infinitely greater than the power of hatred.
Faith in ourselves first then faith in God is the secret of greatness.
He who struggles is better than the one who never attempts.
Anything that makes us weak physically, intellectually, or spiritually, reject as poison.
Think of God all the time and that will purify you.
The eternal law is self-sacrifice, not self-assertion.
Work on as on each one of you depend the whole work.
The remedy for weakness is not to think about your weakness but thinking of strength.
Take up one idea, make that idea your life, dream of it, think of it and live on that idea.”


Total Posts: 457

Joined 2012-09-19


We must not hurt anyone intentionally.
We must not pray to God to punish anyone.
We must forgive.
Even in the midst of our household duties we must find time for prayer.
A man’s true nature is known by the way he conducts his most insignificant task.
If we do good action, that will contradict our evil and bad actions.
We must surrender to God. Then we will feel His grace.
The less we become attached to the world the more we enjoy peace of mind.
God is one’s very own.
One realizes God in proportion to the intensity of our feelings towards Him.
One never finds God without love and devotion.
Even the impossible becomes possible with devotion towards God.
God alone is true.
Ordinary human love and craving leads to misery. Love and devotion towards God results in blessedness.
Past evil actions are counteracted by meditation and prayer to God.
Whenever we are in trouble or distress we must think of God.
The grace of God is the thing that is needful.
In between our work we must find time for prayer and meditation. This cools our mind.
A little work everyday drives away idle thoughts from the mind.
Nothing can be achieved without purity of mind.
Activity leads to concentration of mind, which is beneficial to our inner growth.
We must try to bring happiness and joy to others.
We must always think that God is taking care and looking after us.
Fear,guilt,lust, suspicion and jealousy must be driven away from our mind.


Total Posts: 457

Joined 2012-09-19


Life is a difficult journey.
We all walk in the darkness of night.
At the end of the dark tunnel is the light of hope.
Let the past be buried in past.
We wake up to a new morning.
Future is a promise of hope yet to be realized.
At the end of the fight is the victory.
With sound confidence we advance.
We must wait with patience.
Life is a long journey with lots of danger lurking at every corner.
We must have peace in our hearts.
We must aim for tolerance and unity in diversity.
We must have courage to admit our mistakes.
We must not see faults in others.
We must conquer our useless desires.
We must abstain from being jealous.
The whole world is a united community.
The unity of humanity through mutual support and goodwill is our aim.
In peace and silence is the greatest strength.
We must wait patiently for our turn and opportunity.
We must avoid all gossip.
We must make attempt to overcome our obstacles.
We must try to conquer our difficulties.
Calmness and tolerance are virtues.