
01/14/2015 | fitness

Six Years to Six Hundred Pounds

How much do you deadlift? Regardless of whether it’s 400 or 700-pounds the answer that burns in the heart of every lifter is, “not enough.” Read more

02/20/2013 | fitness

The Best Deadlift Coaching Cues That Work

I compiled this list of the best coaching cues that will help you build a bigger deadlift and stay injury free. These are the tips I’ve learned throughout my career through experience and learning from some of the best coaches in the world. Read more

01/30/2013 | fitness

Deadlift 101

Even though the squat is considered ‘the king of all exercises’, you could easily argue that the deadlift could share top billing. Read more

01/13/2013 | fitness

Hacking the New Exercise Learning Curve

One walk through a commercial gym and you see all sorts of whacky stuff. There are balls, hammers, tires, machines that ellipse, and machines that move the ground. I believe there are 4 base movements that everything else in the gym builds upon by association. Read more