Post by Rob Sulaver | 07/01/2014

World’s Greatest Warm-Up

How we prepare for a workout is vital. It’s the pre-battle ceremony…the ritual of warm-up….the commencement of ass-kick. Read more

Post by Kamal Patel | 06/24/2014

Common Creatine Questions and Answers

Creatine is one of the most popular muscle building supplements out there, but there are a lot of questions about it. We went ahead and asked the team at to answer the most common questions about creatine: Read more

Post by Jason Ferruggia | 06/18/2014

My 7 Favorite Forms of “Cardio”

I hate cardio. The thought of sitting on some silly machine like a hamster going round and round for thirty minutes straight could almost make me physical ill. So I avoid it. Read more

Post by Mike Tuchscherer | 06/11/2014

Auto-Regulation Training

Every single strength training system in the world that has demonstrated repeated success at the highest levels has incorporated auto-regulation. Every one. Read more

Post by Travis Pollen | 06/02/2014

Live Long, Lift Long

We all want to train for a long time, so why not start planning for the future now? Just a few simple modifications to your current training will undoubtedly have a huge impact on your entire body years down the line. Read more

Post by Eric Bach | 04/28/2014

Build Your Base

Getting results isn’t easy. Yo-yo programming without sound principles leads to frustration, stress, and giving up altogether, but put a premium on strength development and you’ll see the results. Read more

Post by Ben Bruno | 04/22/2014

Choose Strength

I’m a big believer in the adage “success leaves clues,” and I’m very interested in looking at commonalities between people that are successful in various endeavors. Read more

Post by Greg Nuckols | 03/25/2014

Concurrent Training

Cardio robs you of your gains, right? That’s what everyone seems to believe. However, I think that cardio-phobia is unwarranted. Let me explain how you can use aerobic training to get bigger, stronger, and leaner at the same time. Read more